It’s not my thing, but I love the concept and stripped down nature

It’s not my thing, but I love the concept and stripped down nature

A Mechanical Turk-powered “Is This Porn?”Great idea. It just needs two buttons to keep people engaged for hours – “Yes!” and “No :(“

Doesn’t voyeurism denote that those being watched don’t know that they’re being watched? How does that characterize porn or Chatroullette? Chatroulette sounds more like mutual exhibitionism.In a sense, though, blogging, tweeting, and commenting on others’ blogs is a form of verbal exhibitionism. The main difference with Chatroulette seems to be the video element.

This discussion is going to be way too interesting. I have to get my work done so I can get out before the blizzard fires all the way up! See you all some other time – have a drink for me, ok?!

As coincidence would have it, I attended a presentation at my kids’ school last night on children and social networks. After recently overhearing a 15-year old brag to a friend that she spent “the entire weekend!” on ChatRoulette (setting aside the likely exaggeration), I believe this is worse than simple time-wasting… This is a young, hopeful, impressionable child who could just as easily be your daughter or mine – how could these “adult” video feeds do anything but *harm* her ability to form an opinion of what healthy adult behavior looks like? More