Sex, some crude language, and Ashton’s nude butt

Sex, some crude language, and Ashton’s nude butt

I actually had a few LOL moments, especially the « period tape. » The movie keeps a good pace and doesn’t have boring scenes.

Sometimes a bit of attachment isn’t that bad. And while I love Natalie Portman and she tries her best with her role, too many stock characters seem to fill the movie. And while it might sound neat on paper the time lapse thing didn’t exactly work in favor of the movie, the feeling of it at least.

Ashton K. performance is in the eye of the beholder. You either like him or you loathe him. I wouldn’t say he’s bad, but there’s nothing special in his performance here either. Kevin Kline seems to be wasted also (another one of those stock characters).

This is basically your typical run-of-the-mill romantic comedies. There is nothing innovating or new to be seen or experienced throughout the course of this movie, and that makes the movie experience less than adequate. More